The ABC's of Kissing Boys

The ABC's of Kissing Boys by Tina Ferraro
Parker has lost her place on the soccer team, being relegated to junior varsity. In a lame-brain but zany scheme to get back on the team and not make the coach angry, Parker sets up her elaborate plan that involves a kissing booth at the fund raiser/beginning of school fair. She includes her brother, now in law school, also a favorite of the coach, who adds a choice parking spot for the coach as a prize into the mix.

Only problem?

No kissing skills.

Parker therefore enlists the aid of her neighbor and longtime friend Tristan. Do we see where this is going? Yes, but only because it climbs out of the "I can see this a mile ahead" hole.

As Parker juggles Tristan, her best friend, girls on the soccer team who hate her, and the coach, she realizes that she is losing control over them all.

Not intense, just plain fun. Will you learn to kiss by reading this? Maybe.  Some allusion to sex, ages 12 up

A good companion book to Confessions of a Serial Kisser (Van Draanen).

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